Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How to Reduce Eye Stain and Improve Eye Care

Eye care is important aspect of your health. Many people end up suffering headaches and other annoying side effects of poor eyes sight. Eye health care is something that you can't just ignore. Like dental health, people have a tendency to ignore eye health until there is a problem -- and by then the damage is done.

Short of seeing an eye doctor and wearing glasses, there are a few things you can do to ensure your eye sight remains strong:

1. Health Lots of Carrots
Carrots contain beta carotene, a substance that has been proven to help your eyes. While eating a lot of carrots won't give you the eye sight of an eagle, it may help keep your eyes in tip top shape.

2. Take Breaks when starring at the computer
These days, most people use a computer at work. This means spending 8 or more hours in front of the computer -- something that can really strain the eyes. You can reduce eyestrain by taking a break every hour and staring into the difference for several minutes. This will help reduce eye strain.

3. Don't Squint
Squinting can strain your eye muscles which may lead to poor eyes sight. If you find yourself squinting often, it's time to see an eye doctor and get some glasses.

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